TErms & Conditions

User - Agreement

OUR policy

Rules Of Engagement

The Terms & Conditions set out below, along with those written in the quotation letter we provide, are the terms upon which treatment will be provided to you at a Ramsay Health Care UK (Ramsay) hospital or clinic (Hospital). Please read them carefully and raise any questions you may have before you sign the quotation letter agreeing to be bound by these terms.

Below are the terms set forth by Ramsay Hospital, for which all consultants, including ourselves, follow and agree to.

We have provided a copy of these terms below for your convenience. However, the terms listed on the Ramsay Hospital website will always take precedence over what is written here.

Ramsay may update these terms from time to time. Updated terms will only apply to new episodes of care, and your terms will remain unchanged if you are part way through an episode of care.

The consultants involved in your care are not employed by Ramsay, so you will also have a separate agreement with them. If you are unsure about how your agreement works, please ask. Consultants are required to provide information on their fees ahead of any treatment. In some situations, the Hospital will provide this information on the consultant’s behalf; however, this remains the responsibility of the consultant concerned.

The following sections set out the Terms and Conditions that apply if you are funding your own treatment.

Please refer to the section that applies to you.

Self Pay – Outpatient appointments and treatment

The cost of your initial outpatient consultation will not be included in any package provided by Ramsay. Please refer to your consultant who will provide you with the fees associated with their consultation.

In addition to the fee for your consultation, there will be a fee payable to the Hospital for any diagnostic tests or treatment carried out during or following your consultation. Please ensure you are aware of the fees involved in advance and if you are not sure, please ask your consultant or staff at the Hospital.

Please find a copy of the Ramsay outpatient terms and conditions here.

Self Pay – TotalCare Pledge

This section applies if you have been provided with a fixed cost quotation letter under our TotalCare Pledge.

TotalCare has been designed to provide a clear and inclusive price for a set package of care. The TotalCare Pledge will be offered to you following an initial consultation with a consultant practicing at a Ramsay Hospital and once the consultant and Ramsay are satisfied that you have no pre-existing medical conditions that may alter your care pathway. You may have been provided with a guide price prior to your consultation and although we aim to provide an accurate estimate of costs at that stage, it is only after your consultation that a formal quotation price will be offered, and this will be valid for 60 days.

It is essential that all information provided by you to your consultant and in your medical questionnaire is accurate because non-disclosure of information may invalidate your agreement with us. We will also undertake a clinical pre-assessment prior to your admission to ensure we are able to treat you at a Ramsay Hospital.

TotalCare Pledge inclusions (unless stated otherwise)

  • Pre-operative assessment
  • All Hospital services during your stay e.g. nursing care, catering, operating theatre charges, drugs and dressings
  • All consultant fees during your stay, and for your outpatient care following discharge as long as it relates to the original procedure
  • All in-patient diagnostic services namely MRI, CT, X-ray, histology and pathology
  • Critical care charges including any transfers to NHS critical care facilities (if required)
  • The hire of and provision of surgical equipment and any implants that may be used
  • All post-operative outpatient care required including removal of sutures, radiology and routine physiotherapy relating to your original procedure
  • The removal of sutures, radiology and routine physiotherapy relating to your original procedure
  • Take home drugs for up to 10 days as prescribed by your consultant
  • Our unlimited aftercare pledge becomes effective if there is a complication relating to the original procedure that clinically requires further intervention, we will then support the necessary treatment to rectify the complication, if clinically possible. It includes readmissions required to correct or address any complications of the original procedure, based on clinical need

Ramsay Weight Loss Service additional inclusions:

  • Access to a pre-operative psychologist and/or an anaesthetic assessment, as required
  • Pre-operative dietary information
  • Twenty-four (24) months of post-discharge outpatient care (excluding Gastric Balloon) commencing on the day you leave the Hospital, which includes, where applicable:

- Clinical reviews with bariatric nurse

- One follow-up consultation with your consultant

- If required, one Barium Swallow is included in the package price. Any additional requirements as determined by your consultant will be an additional cost

- Dietician reviews

- For Gastric Band patients only, up to 2 x-ray guided and up to 10 clinical band adjustments

- Post-operative telephone advice line provided by the Hospital

TotalCare Pledge exclusions (unless stated otherwise)

  • Outpatient consultations prior to your admission
  • Additional follow up consultations that are not related to a complication of the original procedure
  • Diagnostic tests or services provided prior to your admission. You will receive an invoice from Ramsay and your consultant for any such tests or services carried out
  • Sundry items used during your stay, such as telephone calls, newspapers and meals for visitors. These items will be invoiced on your discharge from Hospital
  • Care that you receive anywhere other than at the Hospital where you booked your treatment, unless guided by Ramsay (not your consultant)
  • Any treatment relating to another condition identified at pre-assessment
  • Any revision surgery which is not considered a direct complication of your original treatment; is due to expected wear and tear; life of an implant or surgical technique; or where you have not followed pre-operative or post-operative instructions
  • Post-operative psychologist appointments
  • Sleep studies
  • Where a TotalCare package has been offered for diagnostic procedures e.g. gastroscopy/colonoscopy the quotation will be applicable to the single procedure. If subsequent treatment is required, this will be quoted for separately
  • Extended length of stay for non-clinical reasons
  • No refunds will be issued for a Hospital stay that is shorter than outlined in the quotation letter
  • The results of any treatment or procedure cannot be guaranteed
  • Due to the nature of pain management procedures; no outcome guarantee can be provided

Self Pay - Hospital Fee Assured. This section applies if your consultant does not offer a TotalCare Pledge.

TotalCare Pledge Terms and Conditions will apply except for all consultant fees, which will be payable separately. Your quotation will include an unlimited aftercare pledge, however consultant fees will be payable separately. Your consultant will provide information regarding their fee and where subsequent treatment is required, they will detail their associated fees prior to any treatment.

The hospital may agree to collect the fees on the consultant’s behalf, if this is the case, you will be made aware of this.

Self Pay – Pay As You Go.

This section applies if you have seen a consultant and you are not suitable for our TotalCare Pledge; or are being admitted for medical care (i.e. not procedure related); or we are unable to offer you the TotalCare Pledge following pre-assessment. This may be due to the procedure required or a pre-existing medical condition.

Ramsay will provide an estimate of your Hospital treatment costs based on the information provided in your medical questionnaire and by your consultant.

The estimate price will factor in the expected length of stay; the anticipated theatre time and any prosthesis/implant required, as well as the level of care you will likely require. During your stay, you will be provided with an ongoing account of fees incurred.

Additional critical care charges, including any transfers to NHS critical care facilities are not included in the estimate and will be invoiced to you.

Please note that your consultant will invoice for their care separately. Should you require the services of an anaesthetist or another consultant during your pathway, you will be also be invoiced for their services separately.

You will be required to pay the estimated price in advance, in line with the payment terms outlined below.

Price Match Pledge

Where you have received a lower quotation (not a guide price or estimate) from another healthcare provider, Ramsay may be able to match the price. To qualify for our Price Match Pledge the quotation must be:

  • Provided by an equivalent healthcare provider e.g. Ramsay do not match prices provided by beauticians or aesthetic clinics
  • For treatment undertaken by an equally qualified practitioner e.g. Ramsay do not match prices for treatment by a nurse where the Ramsay care is consultant led
  • Submitted on the healthcare provider’s letter headed paper or email and dated within 30 days of your application to price match. All quotations will be authenticated
  • On the same Terms and Conditions offered by Ramsay, including the aftercare terms
  • For treatment within a 20 mile radius of the applicable Ramsay Hospital

Excludes all diagnostic services such as MRI, CT, X-ray, histology and pathology. Only one Price Match application can be made per procedure and your choice of consultant may be affected.

Treatment outcome

• If the outcome of your treatment does not reasonably conform with the representations made to you by your consultant; and you, your consultant and the Hospital Director are in agreement that a corrective procedure is required; this will be performed. In the event of disagreement on the outcome of your original treatment, a second opinion may be obtained from an independent consultant at another Ramsay Hospital whose decision shall be final and binding. The cost of the second opinion shall be borne by you and shall be charged at the consultant’s standard rates


You are required to pay the full amount detailed in your quotation letter 10 days prior to admission. If your admission is scheduled less than 10 days in advance, you are required to pay within 24 hours of receiving the quotation. You will not be admitted to any Hospital until funds have cleared

If you are being treated under the Pay As You Go Terms and Conditions, you will be required to pay your estimated Hospital fee 10 days prior to admission. If the length of your stay is extended or you incur additional charges not included in your estimate, you will be required to make additional periodic payments during your stay; and any outstanding charges are to be paid on your discharge from Hospital. Where your consultant invoices you separately, their terms and conditions will apply to the services they provide.

Payment can be made via Debit or Credit Card (other than American Express) or via bank transfer.


Ramsay have arranged for Chrysalis Finance (https://chrysalisfinance.co.uk/contact/) to offer payment options for your treatment. Ramsay can provide you with contact details for Chrysalis Finance but we cannot offer you advice or assess your eligibility for their products.

You can apply direct to Chrysalis Finance following your initial consultation once you have received a quotation letter.

Emergency Admissions – Outside of standard office hours

If you are admitted as an emergency patient, you will not have had the opportunity to obtain a quotation for the cost of treatment in advance, however every effort will be made to provide an estimate of costs as soon as possible. You will be treated under the ‘Pay As You Go’ Terms and Conditions, and you will be required to make an initial payment on account of £5000. This will be reviewed on the next working day by the business office team. Any overpayment will be refunded to you, and an estimate of ongoing costs will be provided. Where your consultant invoices you separately, their terms and conditions will apply to the services they provide.

Cancellation Fees Outpatient cancellation

Your outpatient consultation is carried out under an agreement between you and your consultant. Please refer to your consultant for the relevant cancellation fees. You may be required to pay for your consultation at the point of booking and non-attendance could result in a fee.

Outpatient treatment

If you have been booked for an outpatient procedure or diagnostic test at the Hospital, the cancellation fees will be the same as those outlined below for cancellation of self pay treatment.

Cancellation of Self Pay Treatment

The cancellation fee will depend on the reason for cancellation and the notice period given.

  • If you are cancelling your procedure more than 14 days ahead of your admission or treatment date, and no pre-assessment appointment has taken place; you will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellations made between 14 days and 48 hours will incur a cancellation fee, which will be a reasonable reflection of the costs and will not be more than 30% of the quoted fee.
  • In the event you provide less than 48 hours’ notice of cancellation or do not attend your appointment or admission, you will be liable for the full amount, and no refund will be provided.
  • You will remain liable for any fees relating to treatment or diagnostics received up to the point of cancellation.
  • A full refund will be provided where your admission or treatment is cancelled on your consultant’s recommendation due to medical reasons.

Rescheduling Treatment

  • No cancellation fees will be charged if treatment is rescheduled within 30 days.



I had my ACL recon performed by Mr Isaac at Mt Stuart Hospital, I have now managed to completely return to all my sporting activities at the same level as pre injury and have no issues at all. Needless to say the outcome of the surgery has far exceeded my expectations and I'd have absolutely no qualms seeking out or recommending Mr Isaac in the future"

Steve M

ACL Reconstruction

I’m writing to let you know that thanks to my wonderful new keen I’m now back to cycling and walking on the moors again, with no discomfort at all..

Dean S

Knee Replacement

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

As today marks the first birthday of my replacement knee I felt I must drop you a line! The expression "I felt a new man" is possibly overused but for me it is absolutely the case. I go to the gym twice a week, and go hashing in the evenings, but more importantly I feel free again to enjoy life. I can nearly catch up with my grandson now!

Jack W

Total Knee Replacement

Just to say thank you for fixing my dodgy knee - I recovered quickly from my surgery and have been back to work, such a relief to no longer be in pain

Simon S

Arthroscopy and Meniscectomy

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

Thank you so much for all your wonderful expertise in giving me my new knee. It’s incredible that as soon as you operated all my pain went! Thank you also for giving me my life back. I’m coming on brilliantly and every day is a bonus.

Jannet A

ACL Reconstruction

Just a very big thank you for all your input over the last two years and culminating in new full knee replacement, I know it will serve me well

Ben J

Tota Knee Replacement

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

I would like to express my gratitude for the attention and professional care that I received from you at Mount Stuart during my knee replacement, thank you so much for making this happen

Sandeet M

Total Knee Replacement

I have just returned from a week's skiing, I was able to ski for the week pain free and walk well and return home with no ill effects. This was a huge improvement and in fact the trip was only possible due to the surgical treatment I received from you and your team

Randal I

Arthroscopic Meniscal surgery

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

A big thank you to you and your team for giving me a new knee for my birthday! It is certainly a birthday I will never forget but your kindness, concern and friendly manner turned what could have been a really traumatic experience into an adventure that I could cope with reasonably well!

Sara L

Total Knee Replacement

I want to thank you for your excellent care over the last 18 months or so, I am so grateful and appreciative of all you have done for me, I am delighted with the results

Renee H

Total Knee Replacement

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

A letter of thanks to yourself and your team for a very successful partial knee replacement performed by you. A first class result with virtually no limitations – I am back to walking six miles without problems.

Clare K

Partial Knee Replacement

I would like to thank you and your wonderful team for the surgery on my knee, I cannot imagine better or more considerate care

Karren V

Partial Knee Replacement

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

I would like to thank you and all the excellent staff at Mount Stuart Hospital following my knee operation, I feel I was very fortunate to have you once again carrying out my second knee operation

Issy S

Total Knee Replacement

My half-knee replacement is working perfectly, with no pain and no clicking or stiffness. I’d like to thank you very much for your help and your patience.

Matt B

Partial Knee Replacement

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.

I just want to thank you again for the marvellous job you have done, and for persuading me that the time was right for me to have a new knee. It is behaving beautifully; it’s a wonderful thing to be waling normally again, without any pain.

June B

Total Knee Replacement

Thank you very much, again, for your marvellous masterpiece in the replacement of my disintegrating right knee…

Peter H

Partial Knee Replacement

Note: Identities changed for confidentiality purposes.